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$5 per month

Welcome to the Traveler Tier!

Thank you so much for your generosity and support!

Your support helps us to keep driving and bringing you awesome travel videos!

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$10 per month

Welcome to the Explorer Tier!

Thank you so much for your generosity and support!

Your support helps us to keep driving and bringing you awesome travel videos!

Members-Only Discounts
Video Shout-Out
Complete Post Archive
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Discord Roles!
$15 per month

We're not sure how to say "thank you" for your impact on our travels!

Your support at this level helps us keep our equipment in working order and helps pay for our licensing!

Members-Only Discounts
Video Shout-Out
Complete Post Archive
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Ad-free episodes
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Behind-the-scenes content
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Fan requests
Discord Roles!
$25 per month

Wow! WHAT!?!

We're feeling the love!

Your support on this tier allows us to get new equipment, upgrade old equipment, maintain our website, do vehicle repairs, extend travel and expenses and so much more!

Members-Only Discounts
Video Shout-Out
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Discord Roles!
T-Shirt Ultimate!
$50 per month

In addition to all of the perks form the lower tiers, you also get a free T-Shirt from our Merch store!!

Members-Only Discounts
Video Shout-Out
Complete Post Archive
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Ad-free episodes
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